Neither Sarah VanHoose nor Dave Ramsey’s Financial Coach Master Training are affiliated with ROI Financial Advisors, LLC.
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Coach Master Training requires no certifications or licenses.
Coaches do not sell financial products; they help people with day-to-day money problems.
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Episode 58 Transcript
Guest Sarah VanHoose 3 of 3
Adrian 00:02
Hello future millionaires and welcome back to the get rich slow podcast. We are your hosts Adrian Shermer, Rob Delavan and Lance Johnson. Good morning.
Rob Delavan 00:12
Good morning.
Lance Johnson 00:13
Good morning, Sarah. Glad to have you here again.
Sarah 00:16
Glad to be back.
Adrian 00:17
It is episode three of three with Sarah VanHoose. You can catch us online Apple podcast, Spotify, audible Amazon music, probably a dozen different platforms when our awesome producer Avery, and Ashley, get us all propagated through the web. We are on YouTube as well. If you’d like to watch a video, we’ve got some nice visuals that go along with these. As I said, today, our special guest is Sarah VanHoose with journey to influence. Sarah is a financial coach and she is focused on helping individuals couples and small business owners stress less about their money by making a plan and walking through it with encouraging accountability through her online coaching business journey to influence as a trained Ramsey preferred finance master coach, she makes money simple and easy to understand going back to basics. Sarah’s background is as a leader in a large healthcare organization. She and her husband James have two daughters and live in Portland, Oregon. As always, you can find out about what we are doing local at This is episode three of three, I’m going to be sad to see you go Sarah, but I have a feeling we’re going to have you back, we’re going to be tracking you. Sarah is probably going to be on our website or the get rich, slow podcast website is a compendium for the people that we love working with, and the resources that we feel will serve our listeners best. Sarah, I think you fit that bill very well. So, today is all about learning about what’s ahead for you. We’ve learned about where you’ve come from what you’re doing now and this is a bit of a peek into the future of what you’re doing and what you’re really aspiring to accomplish here with journey to influence.
Sarah 02:11
Excited to talk about dreams today.
Rob Delavan 02:17
Okay, so, question one for you, Sarah. What are your three biggest goals right now?
Sarah 02:25
Yeah, right now, influence and impact. So, widening the net of people that I’m able to influence positively around money management, again, dropping the shame, any shame, any fear, any regrets, we just don’t have time for that. It’s time to move forward. So, helping more people in that capacity is goal number one. You ready for goal number two?
Rob Delavan 02:53
Actually, hold on. So, you said widening the reach. What would that mean for that influence and that impact for folks?
Sarah 03:04
It’s making education right and support, easy to access. So, I think we talked about in a previous episode, my friends with budgets membership, again, low cost way to get folks access and continue to widen the social media platforms to be able to put free content out there. Again, for more people to find a friend in finance, in order to help get their questions answered and make the conversation normalized, we need to normalize the money conversation on a regular basis in a wide variety of ways.
Rob Delavan 03:41
Gotcha. As far as reach, this is national and international in this day and age of online content and interactions and so forth. Is that accurate?
Sarah 03:55
Yeah, let’s go big, why no, that’s universal. I hadn’t defined to my location specific yet.
Rob Delavan 04:04
Okay. Good. So, that’s an excellent first call, what’s your second call?
Sarah 04:11
My second goal is to help support more coaches in their business launches. There are a handful of financial coaches out there just like me, who love coaching, or the art of helping people through challenges and getting them to the other side. But they struggle with the launch of the actual business component side of it. So, I want to show others how I’ve been able to do it so that they can go have flourishing practices of their own.
Rob Delavan 04:45
Interesting. Okay, that’s some serious leverage.
Sarah 04:52
Yeah, it just doubles down on the whole influence. If I can help more coaches, they can help more people were helping manage their money, a little bit better teaching the teachers, coaching the coaches.
Rob Delavan 05:09
I love that, and the third one?
Sarah 05:12
It really marries with the others is scaling my business, I am still a one woman show over here and doing both of tasks one and test two or goal one of goal two is going to be difficult on my own. So, scaling my business so that I can support others and work on the right work at the right time, in order to continue to have that larger impact while being present with my family, which is also important.
Rob Delavan 05:39
Yeah. I’m looking forward to that fun future conversation. Especially with Lance Jay with us here, he’s been instrumental in helping me scale my business. I feel that in the future, one of my goals for this group, and this podcast and so forth is there’s going to be some special relationship I think with helping folks with the heart that both you and Lance have to do that and to achieve those dreams and successes and goals and everything else with that. So, I’m looking forward to this.
Adrian 06:21
Yeah, I’ve watched you guys be the gravity well with the influence to slingshot ethically run businesses a number of times before, so, pick your position very well, Sarah.
Sarah 06:34
Adrian 06:38
All right. Question two comes from me, Sarah. Where do you see we’re going to turn that time machine from episode one in reverse here? Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Sarah 06:47
I think I alluded to it in my last school, but it’s supporting a coaching operation that is impacting a number of individuals on a larger scale. So, my background, I think we’ve referenced in the intro a number of times is in health care leadership. So, organization strategy operations, it’s part of my love language is the strategy and in fine tuning and process efficiency, I want to be able to apply that to more coaching. think we’ve acknowledged that there’s more people out there that need some side by side support, and some more basic resources in order to leverage their own money management. So, how can we scale that? So, I see myself maybe not coaching as much as I’m doing now, but helping to lead other coaches in that capacity on a larger scale.
Rob Delavan 07:44
Does that change anything for you physically, like your location, where you’re at?
Sarah 07:49
I think it continues to give me the flexibility to zoom from anywhere, we can do that now, but doing more of that in the future, yeah, I think that’s certainly part of that flexibility component as well.
Rob Delavan 08:05
Workshops, and that thing with other coaches and so forth. There’s potentially a physical element to that, then become potentially a national thing or regional, or have you thought that through?
Sarah 08:19
I don’t think I’ve gone that far yet. I think five years from now, we’re definitely leveraging regional, maybe some more national conversations, I just feel like with Zoom, I’ve got clients that are on the East Coast so, it all feels national already because we can connect with anybody anywhere, but it’s being able to, again, connect with a wider audience and maybe not even limiting ourselves just to make sure that we’ve got more support, we need the troops on the ground in order to go help support people. So, developing those coaches.
Rob Delavan 08:52
I love these ideas. This actually goes back to my comments on the previous question, is there’s some serious scaling to do and I’m really interested in where you and Lance have a lot of common points here.
Lance Johnson 09:18
Question three, Sara, who should we be looking to connect you with going forward over the next five years?
Sarah 09:26
I think that I’m on the lookout in the next couple of years, is expanding to more business owners and there’s two business owners. There’s one business owner that again, needs some more operational efficiency, efficiency within their current workforce. It all eludes to finances. It doesn’t always like arise as a financial issue, but it’s underlying right that there’s some financial component to that. So, small business owners that are looking for more support in that direction. But the second small business owner that wants to provide more support for their employees. I think an employee assistance programme should absolutely have financial education or financial coaching as part of that package as employees that are financially settled financially secure, are not stressed out about living paycheck to paycheck show up better. Well, they show up number one, and they’re going to show up as better producers in the long in the long term. So, again, expanding the influence, taking my business of one right now and being able to do more group efforts. Again, scaling in the short term with just myself and then moving forward with more coaches. I would love to connect with the get rich, slow podcast audience. You can find me on Instagram at journey to influence and my email address is Sarah@my journey to
Adrian 11:18
Very cool, thanks so much for your time, Sarah, very valuable stuff that you’re doing and yeah, we really look forward to see what you expand to in the future because your message is clear. It’s positive, and it’s going to help people, people of all walks of life. So, check her out at my journey to I appreciate give us the Instagram as well, great ways to get a hold of her. For those of us watching, you can see links to our websites. If you want to get in touch with us, the get rich slow podcast also is linked on every single podcast and is a great portal for you to get in touch with everyone that we’ve interviewed and all the resources that we can possibly make available to you. So, thanks again, Sara. Thanks to our audience. Our disclosures are also available on that site and we’ll catch you next time on the get rich low podcast.
Sarah 12:03
Thanks for having me.
Rob Delavan 12:05
Love it. Thank you.